Below are photo albums from various Game Kart Party Mobile Video Theater events. Click on the albums listed to view individual photos or use the slideshow capability. We have designed our website to work best for the users of the latest version of Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, and current versions of other browsers. Please take the time to update your browser to ensure the most pleasurable viewing experience on this site and others you may visit.
Game Kart Greg during repel.
Game Kart Greg at the Edge.
Special Olympics Fundraiser Over The Edge, The Club House On Baltimore, Downtown Kansas City
18 Story Building!
It's a long way down!
Game Kart Greg take a bow after surviving the 18 story repel in downtown Kansas City Missouri.
Time Warner Cable was on hand to support Special Olympics.
Edgers celebrate thier repel.
Great DJ and music.
Game Kart Mobile Video Game Theater at Over The Edge for Special Olympics.
Lee's Summit Police Officers on hand to watch fellow officers repel.
Lee's Summit Police Chief Joe Piccinini congratulates Lee's Summit Police Officer on her successful repel.
Jazzy B's BBQ on hand at Over The Edge with great food.
Game Kart Mobile Video Game Theater provides free game play courtesy of Time Warner Cable.
Members of the Missour National Gaurd enjoy video game fun in Game Kart during a break from thier duties at Over The Edge.